Bee Prepared!



Hello fellow adventurers! Our latest adventure brought us to the beautiful Cumberland Gap Mountains on the trails less traveled. Less traveled means a lot more exposure to overgrowth, wildlife and of course BEE’S!

We had an encounter with a Yellow Jacket nest on the trail and I can tell you it strikes fear into the bravest adventurer. Liberty has a fetish for going after yellow jacket nests in the forest. This poses a serious risk for her fellow hikers and last week was no exception. She stuck her big ass nose into the hole and got stung several times by the guards. That wasn’t enough, she took her paw and raked into the nest breaking open a 6 inch hole and releasing hundreds of the battle ready bees.

Knowing that panic will lead to a mass stinging event, we backed up slowly and headed up the trail, away from the carnage. Liberty had four or five embedded and stinging her on the butt and fore-paws. Justin (Woodchuck) was able to remove his hat and terminate the angry mob. However several more saw this action and decided to sting him as well. He took several shots in the arm. Thankfully I was able to clear them from his body before it became is serious issue. We made a wide bushwhacked circle around the nest without further incident.

I am an avid insect lover and have been since I was a toddler. I’ve been stung and bitten by just about every insect in the Southeast. The bug I have the most respect for, while trekking about, is the Yellow Jacket (Vespula species, Vespa species and Dolichovespula species). Remember these insects are a vital part and play an extremely beneficial role in our ecosystem. They are also good at clearing out nuisance pests like harmful flies and caterpillars.

In the late summer and fall their populations peak and their insect diet changes to human consumables. That means they are looking for you and your yummy trail treats.

yellowjacketSo does that mean you’re safe during the insect eating months. NO you are never safe from a disturbed yellow jacket nest. Nests are often located in a soil cavity such as an abandoned gopher hole, mouse nest, or hollow tree. Disturbing ground nests or trees can cause yellow jackets to attack.

If you do disturb a yellow jacket nest, general guidelines are to slowly walk away with both hands covering the face to protect the more sensitive body areas. It is best to walk toward dense vegetation to avoid the stinging insects. Swift movements will only attract more yellow jackets.

Allergic reactions to yellow jacket or bees stings may cause shock and life threatening conditions. Those with known allergies should carry sting treatment kits and be prepared to seek prompt medical attention if stung. A yellow jacket does not leave a stinger in its victim, so it can therefore sting multiple times. Companions of multiple-sting victims should watch the victim and be prepared for emergency medical response and evacuation.

Here are some precautionary rules and items to help BEE PREPARED:

  • Remove any stingers immediately. Some experts recommend scraping out the stinger with a credit card.
  • Taking an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or a nonsedating one such as loratadine (Claritin) will help with itching and swelling.
  • Take ibuprofen (Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain relief as needed.
  • Wash the sting site with soap and water.
  • Placing hydrocortisone cream on the sting can help relieve redness, itching, and swelling.
  • Most insect stings require no additional medical care.

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If you’re allergic to bee’s consult your doctor for preparedness in the wilderness. The can offer the prescription for Epinephrine and the means to deliver the dosage and training for proper delivery.

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